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In the context of European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) was launched, an initiative implemented by the Member States and supported by the European Commission, with the aim of helping young people who neither have a job nor are in the workforce enter the world of work. of an educational or training course (the so-called NEET, not in employment, education or training).
To these young people (aged between 18 and 29) in a disadvantaged situation due to disability or long-term unemployment or in difficulty in training and acquiring skills, ALMA guarantees:
- supervised professional experience in an EU Member State (obviously different from the country of residence) for a period of between 2 and 6 months;
- a complete program cycle with support and consultancy at every stage.
ALMA in fact offers: assistance before the stay abroad (participants must follow tailor-made training in their country of origin); a supervised internship accompanied by a tutoring service for a period of between 2 and 6 months in another EU Member State; upon returning to their country, constant assistance to find a job or continue their studies.
The contributions paid cover the costs of travel, insurance, social security, food and accommodation, all support and consultancy steps.
The final objective is to encourage the inclusion of these young people in the job market in their country of origin thanks to the acquisition of skills and new knowledge.
Within the Program there are therefore organizations that operate to send and others that operate to host young NEETs.
They can meet each other via the Alma database published by the Action Coordination Agency.
If you represent an organization interested in hosting or sending young NEETs to participate in the program, you can contact one of the entities currently receiving ESF+ contributions
If you are a young person and want to participate in the Programme, you can contact one of the sending or hosting organisations, already registered in the ALMA database. Mobility projects are being defined.
For more details, see dedicated page presenting the Program
To learn about FSE+, visit the official website at THIS LINK.
This guide has been produced as part of the annual work plan of the European Network IGNet, co-financed by the European Union. The content of the guide reflects the views only of the authors and neither the European Commission nor any of its agencies can be held responsible for its content or any use made of it. The content of the guide has no official value for the purposes of submitting applications and projects, for which only the official guides of the individual programmes and initiatives are valid.