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They are 14 places for the role of educator available with the competition launched by the ASP Reggio Emilia 'Città delle Persone'. Job placements are foreseen with a full-time and permanent contract.

In order to participate in the selection process, candidates must have one of the following requirements, in addition to the provisions of the law for participating in public competitions:

  • secondary school diploma and professional educator qualification;
  • secondary school diploma and documented experience in the activity of educator;
  • university diploma of professional educator;
  • Bachelor's Degree in Education and Training Sciences;
  • Degree in Rehabilitation Health Professions Sciences or Bachelor's Degrees or Diplomas from Schools Directed for Special Purposes;
  • degree in educational sciences, social educator, pedagogy, planning and management of educational intervention in social discomfort.

In addition to a possible pre-selection test, the competition includes two exams: a written one with a theoretical-practical content and an oral one. The deadline for submitting applications is 20 April 2023. You can view the announcement here.