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June 20 2023

The Directorate-General for Communication of the European Parliament (DGCOMM), has published a call for the active involvement of citizens in view of European elections 2024.

Through this tender, the Parliament intends to co-finance projects that articulate a coherent, homogeneous and efficient work programme, which includes a series of engagement actions: offline, online and/or hybrid communication activities, dedicated to increasing citizen participation to vote for the 2024 European elections.

The objectives of the call are:

  • raise European citizens' awareness of the EU's democratic role and values, provide an understanding of the benefits that the European Parliament offers, how the European Parliament affects our daily lives and why it is important to vote by participating in the next EE24;
  • support increased non-partisan civic engagement of European citizens and group organisations, promoting the importance of voting and encouraging active involvement, with a particular focus on voter mobilization ahead of the European elections.

National non-profit organizations based in an EU state and politically unaffiliated with legal personality can participate.

È It is possible to participate in the tender by 28 September 2023, 17:00 CET. For more information SEE THE NOTICE HERE.