A budget of one million euros for the fourth edition of the Call for Libraries and Communities promoted by Con Il Sud Foundation and the Book Center and reading, in collaboration with the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI). The project aims to enhance the role of municipal libraries in the southern regions. It is aimed at third sector organizations by supporting socio-cultural projects that combine traditional offerings with public services from municipal libraries in the municipalities of Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily who have obtained the qualification of City that reads in the two-year period 2022-2023.
At the center is the idea of reading as a tool for participation, integration and cohesion, especially in internal and peripheral areas, with the aim of making them increasingly territorial strongholds of culture and sociality - attractive, accessible, of cultural comparison and social inclusion.
Proposals can be submitted that enhance the wealth of experiences, networks and subjects that support reading in the territories; encourage the promotion of reading and the use of services offered by the library in the most peripheral places or without dedicated spaces, also through the dissemination of cultural assets; improve access to library spaces in terms of hours (with evening openings, on weekends) and accessibility (removal of physical, cognitive-sensorial barriers); promote the increase and usability of the library heritage (literary, audiovisual, multimedia, ICT) and of the lending, consultation and reading promotion services traditionally offered by the library, also through the use and implementation of innovative technological solutions.
To participate, it is necessary to create a partnership composed of at least three organizations, one from the third sector, one or more municipal libraries and another that may belong to the world of the third sector, schools, institutions, universities, research and businesses.
Ideas can be submitted until February 26, 2025. To consult the complete announcement and find out all the details, just click here