Discover the opportunities made available by the Ministry of Culture with the new tools that replace the 18 App Culture Bonus.
Youth culture charter: five hundred euro to be spent on theatrical performances, film screenings and live shows; for the purchase of books, subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, including in digital format; for recorded music and audiovisual publishing products.
They can request it from January 31 2024 all residents in the national territory who are part of families with ISEE not exceeding 35.000 euros: they will be able to take advantage of it in the year following that of turning 18.
On the Ministry website it is possible to register to also obtain the Charter of Merit, available to residents in the national territory who have obtained the high school diploma by the age of nineteenth with a vote of 100 or 100 cum laude. The Card allows you to spend an amount of five hundred euros on cultural products and is awarded and usable in the year following the year in which one graduated.
With the Cards it is possible to purchase entrance tickets to museums, exhibitions, cultural events, archaeological areas and natural parks. The credit can also be used to participate in music, theatre, dance and foreign language courses.
There is time until 30 June 2024 to request both Cards, which can be used until December 31st of the year in which the registration was made on the platform.
The two cards can be combined with each other.
To find out more and participate in the initiative, interested parties and merchants can click here.