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Symbol ofAssociazione InformaGiovani


L'Associazione InformaGiovani is a non-profit organization that, since 2001, has been operating in the youth sector with the aim of promoting the right to information and youth participation, local and international volunteering as a tool for non-formal education, active participation and inclusion social. The association's initiatives are aimed at young people and youth workers, in particular those who find themselves in conditions of social or economic disadvantage or belong to groups at risk of marginalization.

In our activities we place great value on building local and national networks with public and private non-profit entities.

At an international level, since 2010 we have coordinated the informal European Network IGNet, recognized by the European Union and made up of 16 associations in 14 countries. We are also partners of Alliance, a network of volunteer organizations with which we organize volunteer camps in Italy and send volunteers abroad.

At a local level, we manage a youth information desk, in an asset confiscated from the mafia, entrusted by the Municipality of Palermo. They are also a Center of the Eurodesk Network.

For our youth and information activities we are accredited for the Erasmus+ Program in the field of youth, we have received the Quality Label for lead organizations within the European Solidarity Corps program and we are accredited as a training body with the Order of Journalists .

visit our website here!

Ambiia logo
The association Ambitia  runs activities aimed at young people living in rural areas and promotes innovative educational experiences that encourage active learning and self-discovery. Through local and international activities, it strives to provide people with the resources and skills needed to become critical thinkers,
creative problem-solvers and citizens attentive to community issues.
visit our website here!

Divers Association logo

THE Diversity Association focuses on the protection of vulnerable social groups, such as ethnic minorities and women victims of violence. You have conducted studies on online verbal violence against minorities and on the role of traditional media in combating discrimination.

visit our website here!

Logo I Girasoli

THEAssociation I Girasoli, which manages the “SAI” (Reception System for Integration) offers hospitality and protection to unaccompanied minors, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The activities include the integration process aimed at personal needs, social and mental well-being, and education. Furthermore, it promotes initiatives to raise awareness in the local community on the topic of migration.

visit our website here!

AMC logo

The association Aventura Marão Clube, through its activities, promotes European values ​​and healthy lifestyles among local and international youth. The association runs Portugal's first fair trade shop, a youth centre, a hostel with a vegetarian restaurant and offers job opportunities to people with disabilities.

visit our website here!

RCW logo

Il Regionalne Centrum Wolontariatu, a local Eurodesk point, manages a youth center where it organizes daily non-formal education workshops and initiatives to stimulate volunteering and civic commitment among young people and adults.

visit our website here!

The Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency- SPPMD  works with different groups of young people in disadvantaged situations. Through the activities they aim to encourage their self-confidence, equip them with different skills, especially those related to team building and leadership.

visit our website here!

The association ELIXIR , promotes volunteering in Greece and abroad, focusing on environmental protection, cultural heritage conservation and social cohesion promotion through the implementation of work camps, youth exchanges and European Solidarity Corps projects.

visit our website here!

The association Estyes, promotes youth exchange and non-formal education in Estonia, hosts international volunteers and facilitates projects abroad. It works with a wide range of ages and places emphasis on intercultural understanding and global cooperation through international volunteer camps and European Solidarity Corps projects.

visit our website here!

The Association FICAT, has long been committed to promoting social inclusion and defending the rights of migrants and refugees. He has experience in helping first and second generation migrants and young offenders achieve socio-economic autonomy.

visit our  website here!

INEX-SDA , has extensive experience in local and international volunteering for active citizenship and in conducting awareness-raising activities aimed at civil society. Radio, podcasts and social media are tools they use to create engaging information campaigns, particularly for young people.

visit our  website here!

The association The Rotllana, promotes the personal and social development of young people through non-formal education, with particular attention to social and gender equality and community involvement. Its main areas of activity include leisure education, international cooperation and sport.

visit our  website here!

La Pi Youth Association aims to support the development of young people's skills, promoting positive behaviors and attitudes, increasing their knowledge and skills and addressing issues related to youth problems. The main areas of their design are: civil society capacity building, technology-based development, healthy living, volunteering, social media analytics and youth rights and issues.

Consults website here!

The association Radi Vidi Pats, promotes sustainable development, cultural and environmental education through lifelong learning of young people and adults and participation in social processes. The association organizes workshops with young prisoners and involves local and international volunteers in European Solidarity Corps projects.

Consults website here!

The association SEEDS , promotes intercultural understanding, protection and environmental awareness by working on environmental, social and cultural projects within local communities and authorities, individuals and international associations.

Consults website here!


International Voluntary Service, promotes the value of a more just, peaceful and supportive society by raising awareness among young people and involving them in volunteering and international solidarity projects.

Consults website here!