II Ministry of Education and Merit, In collaboration with the 'Order of Journalists, announces the second edition of ideas competition designed to invite students to reflect and produce a paper on a current topic using the tools of journalism. The competition is dedicated this year to the theme: “Artificial Intelligence, between challenges and opportunities”.
The initiative is aimed at students from schools in the national education system and from Italian schools abroad, who in groups (maximum four students) will have to produce an essay that addresses the theme of the competition.
The following types of work can be produced:
- written composition;
- multimedia work which must be accompanied by a document that explains the motivations, stylistic choices and the message it intends to communicate.
The works, accompanied by Disclaimer (Annex B) and from Presentation Form of Papers (Annex A) will have to be sent, no later than March 10 2024, to the following email: elabora.studenti@editore.it.
For further information, consult the competition notice at THIS LINK.