Consult the invitation made bySoka Gakkai Italian Buddhist Institute to propose innovative ideas on the topic of prevention and combating Violence against women. The area of intervention is Human Rights, which aims to promote the overcoming of passive tolerance in favor of the creation of a society in which no one is left behind. The objective is to address the challenges linked to the protection of women victims of violence and their children by contrasting paths that test alternative approaches.
The lead entities and/or partners promoting the proposals must be non-profit organizations with one of the following legal forms: association; unrecognized association; committee; foundation; non-governmental organization; social cooperative society; limited liability social cooperative company.
A brief description of your proposal can be submitted for approval after registration on the 8×1000 Management Platform by 26 September 2024. The duration of the projects must be between 12 months and 24 months, with an available budget of between 50 thousand and 150 thousand euros.
At the end of the first phase, the identified projects must be enriched with content and accompanied by detailed budgets that contemplate the achievement of at least 3 of the following specific objectives:
- create and support anti-violence centers and shelters to offer a safe place and immediate assistance to women and their children.
- Provide free psychological and legal support to victims of violence to help them overcome the trauma and take legal action against the attackers.
- Promote socio-work reintegration programs to help victims reintegrate into society through professional training and support in finding work.
- Offer psychological support services for children, with therapy and counseling programs to help them process and overcome the trauma of domestic violence.
To find out all the details, consult complete materials and forms here