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November 10, 2023

L'Impresa Sociale srl Fund for the Digital Republic and they launch the announcementIt will grow': the initiative is aimed at public, private non-profit entities and third sector bodies with the aim of developing projects Artificial intelligence. The initiative aims to select proposals aimed at the development of open source Artificial Intelligence solutions intended for small and medium-sized Made in Italy businesses, including social enterprises, with particular attention to businesses that fall within the country's marginal sectors and contexts.

The tender will be able to count on a budget of 2.200.000 euros. At the center is the idea of ​​determining a functional benefit to the needs of the productive fabric such as the reduction of operation times and costs in one's area of ​​activity, the expansion of the offer of products and services, greater financial resilience and lower environmental impact. Public and private non-profit entities such as universities, research institutes and centers, and technology transfer centers can present their proposals in detail.

Approved projects will receive support and assistance and will be supported at every stage to create, promote and apply innovative AI solutions. From the preliminary phases of research and development to tests with experimental application, implementation and scale-up of the proposed solution, and the possible participation of companies for the contribution of specific know-how.

Project proposals must be submitted online, through the Re@dy within platform 13.00pm on 31 January 2024. To find out all the details of the announcement click here