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June 5 2024

To give a decisive signal to stop violence against women, the Council of the European Union intervenes with the approval of the new European Directive on the fight against violence against women and domestic violence. The text expressly recognizes female genital mutilation, forced marriage, non-consensual sharing of intimate images, online stalking, online harassment and incitement to violence or hatred as crimes across the EU, making them punishable by law. online. An important step: it is the first European law that establishes rules aimed at combating violence against women and comes just over two years after the proposal presented by the European Commission.

These crimes will be punishable by prison sentences of one to five years and there are also a series of aggravating circumstances that lead to more severe sanctions, such as, for example, the exercise of violence against a vulnerable person or a minor, or against a spouse or a partner, or against public figures, journalists, human rights defenders.

The new law also contains rules to facilitate reporting by victims of violence, as well as measures aimed at prevention and detailed provisions on the assistance and protection measures that Member States should provide to victims.

After publication in the EU Official Journal, member states will have three years from the entry into force of the Directive to transpose it into their legal system.

The full text of the directive can be consulted here