THEAssociazione InformaGiovani, a local point of the Eurodesk Italy network, is pleased to invite you to participate in the cycle of free in/training webinars on transnational mobility opportunities for study, internship, work and volunteering aimed at young people. The webinar cycle, called #DistantMaInformati is promoted by the Italian National Network of Eurodesk Local Points.
The webinar entitled “DiscoverEu – find out how to get a pass to travel with DiscoverEU” is organized in collaboration with the Italian Youth Agency, and the European initiative will be presented DiscoverEU, the European Commission initiative that offers young eighteen-year-olds the opportunity to explore Europe, discover its beauty and cultural diversity, giving away passes to travel for free by train in Europe. In order to guarantee the widest possible access, the project can offer alternative modes of transport such as ferries and buses, and in exceptional cases, when other means are not available, the plane.
The meeting will take place Wednesday 4 October 2023 by 16: 00 17 to: 00.
To participate you must register at the following link: