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November 6, 2023

#IOCITENGO will take place as part of the celebrations of 54th World Earth Day – Earth Day, organized from 18 to 22 April 2024. Earth Day Italia, which organizes the event, will award the recognition of 'Ambassador of the Earth' to all schools, classes or groups of students who, during their school activities, have carried out projects relating to the objectives of the Agenda.

The project is aimed at Italian nursery, primary, 1st grade and 2nd grade secondary schools who will send a video in which the projects connected to one of the 17 objectives of the 2030 Agenda are presented or described. Projects, artistic works and reports will be selected which demonstrate awareness and active participation of children and young people in the solutions to the global challenges undertaken.

The video must have the following thematic and technical characteristics:

  • draw inspiration from at least one of the areas that include the 17 objectives of the 2030 agenda: people, prosperity, planet, peace, partnership;
  • be carried out by groups of students from the same class or from different classes with the coordination of the teachers;
  • be developed with any technique and expressive form inspired by the themes of the Contest;
  • must last a maximum of 3 minutes.

Click here to find out all the details. You have until March 1, 2024 to send proposals.