Just over 2,5 million euros to finance collaborative projects in the field of media literacy and related areas. So Creative Europe launches the announcement News – Media Literacy: the aim is to intervene with specific measures in at least two of the following operational lines:
- activities to consolidate, share and scale up best practices arising from innovative media literacy projects that take into account an evolving media ecosystem, in particular by crossing cultural, national or linguistic borders and strengthening collaboration between different regions of Europe.
- Developing innovative and interactive online toolkits to provide solutions to existing and future challenges in the online environment, including disinformation.
- Development of materials and toolkits to enable citizens to acquire a critical approach to the media and to recognize and respond appropriately to disinformation.
- Developing media literacy practices adapted to the evolving media environment, including manipulation techniques and AI-based media production.
Projects must have a maximum duration of 24 months, with EU co-financing of up to 70% of the eligible and actually incurred costs of the project, for an amount not exceeding 500 thousand euros. Training activities for citizens may be supported.ə and educators; creation and/or distribution of multilingual and/or multicultural materials, including interactive content to improve citizens' digital skillsə and their understanding of the media landscape, as well as their resilience against disinformation; development of citizen materialsə and trainers, targeting all or some age groups and social groups; development of innovative media literacy solutions adapted to the future media landscape (including prototypes); organization of public events/workshops to raise awareness and share best practices; community-led activities to personalize and make accessible the above tools and materials.
Legal entities, both public and private, resident in one of the countries eligible for Creative Europe may join the initiative.
The deadline for submitting proposals is 6 March 2025. Click here to know all the details (English page)