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June 7 2024

At the center is the social reintegration of detained people. The announcement 'I escape to work', in its third edition, is promoted by Foundation WITH THE SOUTH; with a budget of 3 million euros, it aims to develop social and work reintegration processes for people serving criminal sentences. Tuesday 18 June a meeting will be held at 11.30 am technical presentation of the online tender.

The initiative is aimed at third sector organizations in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily. The aim is to implement the re-educational function of punishment and reduce recidivism rates in the long term, while promoting community empowerment paths, welcoming and inclusive support networks and reparation initiatives. Currently, according to CNEL data, there are very few male and female prisoners working under a national collective agreement. In two penitentiary institutions in Southern Italy, for example, according to Antigone's XVIII report, only 280 inmates out of the 2.190 present work in Poggioreale, less than 13%; in Agrigento only 46 out of 311 (15%).

The call is aimed at partnerships made up of at least 2 third sector organizations as well as any competent penitentiary facility and local institutions, schools, trade associations, employment centers and above all companies belonging to the local and national entrepreneurial fabric. The funded projects will have to develop work paths as a tool for the redemption and social inclusion of prisoners also through the activation or strengthening of services to ensure a functional connection inside-outside the prison.

During a first phase, the selection of proposals will be carried out; the second step involves executive planning, aimed at enriching the proposal also by modifying the partnership. The deadline to participate in the tender by sending projects through the Chàiros platform is 25 September 2024. Click here to find out more and fill out the registration form.