Peace, dialogue, transparency: they are important in the real world as well as in the virtual one. The cybersphere, made up of social networks, media, but also fake news and hate speeches, is perhaps the new dimension of conflict after land, sea, air and space. Take advantage of the opportunity to move around the network securely with i free online courses InformaGiovani! The opportunity is within everyone's reach thanks to the project “Make Your Mark” funded by the program CERV of European Union.
InformaGiovani has developed tools that can make you experience conscious freedom of movement even on the web. In a climate of widespread disinformation, fake news and hate speech can lead to violent extremism and racism, undermining efforts to build a more just society based on democratic processes.
On these topics the excellent team identified by InformaGiovani, with experts of national and international caliber, has developed some online training courses. In particular:
- Truth and trust for democracy. Countering fake news and disinformation.
- Address hate speech and controversial debates. Promote dialogue for democracy.
It is essential to provide citizens, journalists, NGO representatives and members of local communities with skills that enable them to use the media responsibly. Every user of the network will thus be able to evaluate online content and distinguish between reliable and unreliable news.
The courses are available on request with a self-learning system and will be online. You can log in right away and complete them at your own pace. Access is free and open to all. Follow the procedure and register on training portal InformaGiovani