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LYM – Leave your mark

Co-funded by the European Union
Quality information for democracy

"Leave your mark! Quality information for participatory democracy (LYM)” aims to promote knowledge of European institutions and initiatives; to promote and support the active participation in the European elections of young people, women and new EU citizens; to promote and support an active and critical use of the media in the vision of democratic debates and participation; to promote quality information on EU issues by helping to build a counter-narrative to the so-called "Euroscepticism".

To achieve its objectives, the project is implemented by 10 organizations from 9 EU countries (Italy, the Czech Republic, Spain, Greece, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Romania) for a period of 20 months.

During the project several activities will be carried out:

  • three online courses on the topics “Fake-news and propaganda”, “Hate speech and divisive debates” and “EU programs and active citizenship”;
  • two on-site trainings in Portugal (on fake news and hate-speech)
  • training in each country on EU programs and initiatives;
  • 8 different national campaigns, before the 2024 European elections, to inform about EU activities and opportunities and to promote the practice of the right to vote.

Through the activities, the project aims to directly involve no less than 2.000 people.

The project is co-financed by the European Union under the programme CERV – Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values