A competition that aims to bring together the world of education and digital innovation. The "NATIONAL AWARD ON DIGITAL INNOVATION ANITEC-ASSINFORM”, in its fourth edition, is aimed at upper secondary schools. It was launched by Anitec-Assinform in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Merit - Directorate General for Scholastic Regulations, for the evaluation and internationalization of the national education system. The aim is to involve businesses, institutions, cultural associations, students and teachers in the digital transition process underway for schools, families and society as a whole.
The projects will be described in a video, no longer than 3 minutes, poster and/or slide. They must fall into one of the categories listed: ICT and disability, how digital technology favors inclusion; Digital enablers, new technologies for the development of innovation in the sectors of the economy and in society; Promotion of web security and fight against bullying phenomena; Digital & Data Science – Data Economy.
Ai 4 winning projects will be awarded a grant of 2.500 € each aimed at covering, even partially, the costs for carrying out the project and/or for the purchase of digital technologies for the school.
The enrollment of the schools will have to be done by 12:00 on 15 November 2023. To learn more, please click here