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Il Ministry of Education and Merit, through the Directorate General for Structural Funds for Education, School Buildings and Digital Schools, announced the national competition “AI at school: ideas and projects to develop transversal skills for the future” for the 2023-2024 school year.

This initiative aims to encourage primary and secondary schools first and second degree to integrate Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) into education.

To participate, educational institutions will have to create digital products using all the technological tools they deem most appropriate to meet the following objectives:

  • prevent risks deriving from the unconscious use of GenAI;
  • enrich students' skills on this topic;
  • take advantage of the opportunities that AI can offer in the educational context.

To participate, educational institutions must access the designated reserved area on the portal "PNSD – Share Management”, select the "access to services" button at the top right, and enter the access link to the drive where the digital products and related material will have been uploaded.

The works must be submitted by 23pm on 59 April 05.

For more information, see COMPETITION RULES.