The 'I tell the sea' contest starts. The initiative, in its fifth edition, is organized by Ministry of Education and Merit and the National Lifesaving Society, for the promotion of education to respect the sea and safety in the water.
The project is aimed at male and female students of secondary schools, state and private with the aim of raising awareness on issues such as water pollution, its impact and disastrous consequences on our planet, with the awareness of how urgent it is to intervene to initiate actions to protect the sea.
This year it will be possible to meet professional writers with the aim of developing narrative techniques for novels and short stories: from conception to drafting, to presentation to publishing houses, up to publication. The participating students will have to test themselves and write a short story.
To participate it is necessary to create written works of between 3000 and 5000 characters, spaces included, to be sent by February 29, 2024. To consult the announcement click here