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The Italian Sustainability Photo Award (ISPA), launched in 2019, is a photography competition that aims to raise awareness among Italian and international public opinion on the topic of sustainability. This award is dedicated to telling stories of conscious choices, innovative and courageous solutions, and visions of hope for a more sustainable future.

The competition is open to photographers from all over the world, invited to capture powerful and visionary images that express progress, rights, duties and hope towards a sustainable future. The nominated works must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Social sustainability
  • Sustainable governance

The competition is free and open to all, without geographical or professional distinctions. The prizes are:

  • Single Photo Category: €1.500
  • Photographic History Category: €3.500
  • Grant category: €10.000

In case of a tie, the prize will be divided among the winners.

The deadline to participate is September 6, 2021.