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14 September 2023

Becoming protagonists of the scene, on the wings of Social Film Festival Artelesia, Benevento from 27 September to 1 October 2023: schools will be able to do so at Back to school – SFF: cinematographic training matinees. The Artistic Direction of the ArTelesia Social Film Festival will entrust the selection of the winning short films of the School and University Section to students and teachers.

The event is organized by the non-profit cultural association Libero Teatro with the support of the Ministry of Education and Merit to promote interest among young and very young people in social issues treated with the effectiveness of cinematography in short ; enhance the short film as a teaching tool that cuts across all curriculum disciplines; encourage civic sense, social commitment and the culture of volunteering in the new generations. The initiative is aimed at nursery and primary schools and at secondary schools and universities.

To join the initiative and view the announcement click here. The deadline for submitting entries expires on September 27, 2023.