THEAssociazione InformaGiovani, a local point of the Eurodesk Italy network, is pleased to invite you to participate in the Design Gym on the objectives of "Small-scale Partnerships", one of the Erasmus+ funding opportunities!
Among the contents that will be covered during the webinair are:
- Activities: priorities, objectives, characteristics, design elements, quality criteria, specific aspects of project planning, learning process.
- Insights: the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the active participation of young people, the EU dialogue with young people.
- Tools and resources: structure and contents of the application form, platforms, sites, tools, elements for dissemination, useful contacts.
The gyms are designed by Eurodesk Italy in collaboration with the Italian Youth Agency.
The meeting will take place Monday 17 July from 10:00 to 11:30. To subscribe CLICK HERE!