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Among the many activities dedicated to young people within Key Action 1 of Erasmus+, youth participation initiatives they aim to make a difference in terms of awareness and desire for daily commitment in society by boys and girls under 30.

Le youth participation initiatives they are, in fact, activities of non-formal learning focused on active participation of young people between 13 and 30 years old with the aim of strengthening their personal, social, citizenship and digital skills.

The objectives of the Action all revolve around the importance of giving space to the ideas and energy of young people in the construction of the present and tomorrow, offering them the opportunity to engage and learn to participate in civil society, to consciously share the values common European rights and fundamental rights, to increase digital skills and media literacy.

Informal groups of young people and/or youth organisations have the opportunity to carry out projects active participation in democratic life at local, regional, national and European levels. A stimulating possibility that creates the conditions for young people to become active European citizens well aware and informed. Furthermore, by allowing the concrete implementation of dialogues and discussions between young people and political decision-makers, the youth participation initiatives allow young people to express timely proposals and recommendations, in particular on the conception and implementation of youth policies in Europe.

Le feasible activities they can be a combination of: workshops, debates, role plays, simulations, use of digital tools, awareness campaigns, exercises, meetings and other forms of online or offline interaction between young people and policy makers, consultations, information events.

Projects have a duration that can vary from 3 to 24 months and may also include an element of national/international mobility or events.

They can be transnational (i.e. carried out in one or more Program or Partner Countries involving at least 2 actors from different Countries) or national receips (implemented at local, regional or national level involving informal groups of young people and/or organizations from a single country). All projects must in any case demonstrate that it has a European dimension.

Un project can be realized by one or more informal groups of young people, by one or more organizations or by a combination of them.

If there is only one group informal form of young people, at least one of them must be of age and must present the application on behalf of all.

When the project is promoted by an informal group of young people, it is possible that the group itself is supported by a coach, in particular to encourage participation to the activities of young people with fewer opportunities.

The application must be addressed to the National Agency of the country in which the "applicant" organization is established.

The contribution granted is based on a lump sum for each month of activity, while for mobility activities the contributions foreseen for the youth exchanges, with coverage of travel costs, food, accommodation and exceptional expenses to support the participation of young people with fewer opportunities or special needs.

To find out more about how to participate, carefully read the specific part of the Program Guide

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This guide was created as part of the annual work plan of the European network IGNet, co-financed by the European Union. The content of this guide reflects the views only of the authors and neither the European Commission nor any of its agencies can be held responsible for its content or any use made of it. The content of this guide has no official value for the purposes of submitting applications and projects, for which only the official guides of the individual programmes and initiatives are valid.