The new edition of the National Federchimica youth award “Chemistry: the science that saves the world”, dedicated to schools. The Award has the dual objective of making students passionate about science - in particular Chemistry - and orienting them towards technical-scientific paths in high schools.
Project recipients:
- the Award is aimed at students of lower secondary schools;
- for the "Basic Chemistry" and "Plastics" sections (with different characteristics and methods of participation) the competition is also open to Primary Schools as per Separate regulation.
Admission Requirements:
- to participate, you must present unpublished educational products (videos, questionnaires, interviews, audio recordings such as podcasts or radio broadcasts);
- each participating project must be registered and represented by a teacher with the role of contact person.
- Category A: single participant. The winner will be assigned an IT equipment of an indicative value of €400;
- Category B: Class or group made up of more than 4 people. The winners will be awarded a prize worth a total of € 2.000.
The documents must be sent via email to the address, accompanied by the accompanying report and the privacy form on page. 11 and 12 of REGULATION.
Registrations will close on March 22, 2024, while the documents must be delivered by 30 April 2024.
For more information, see Prize Regulations and the Alternative regulation for the Chemistry and Plastics sections.