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The Occhiblu Ets association has published, together with the Press Federation, the announcement for the ninth edition of the international journalism prize "Cristiana Matano", dedicated to the journalist of Campania origin.

For the 2024 edition the theme chosen is “Wars and migrations, from Lampedusa to other borderlands around the world: stories of life, hopes and rights".

Who can participate:

  • Journalists and journalists registered with the Order;
  • Foreign journalists.

To participate, you are required to send an article, investigation or report that has been broadcast and/or published in print media, TV, radio, news agencies and online newspapers (regularly registered), between 1 June 2023 and 30 April 2024.

The deadline for submitting participation forms is set for midnight on April 30, 2024.

For more information, SEE THE NOTICE HERE.

The online application form is available at THIS LINK.