The competition announcement for qualifications and exams announced by the Campania region for 1274 OSS positions – Socio-Healthcare Operators, who will be hired on a full-time, permanent contract. The candidates will be divided between two macro areas: AREA 1 COMPANIES – Asl Napoli 1 Centro, Asl Napoli 2 Nord, Santobono Pausilipon, Federico II and others; AREA 2 COMPANIES: Asl Salerno, Asl Avellino, Asl Caserta, Asl Benevento and others.
To apply, you must have the general requirements required by law to participate in public competitions. Specific requirements are also required such as:
- lower secondary school diploma (middle school certificate) or completion of compulsory schooling.
- qualification certificate as a Social Health Worker, obtained following completion of the training course or possession of equivalent qualifications.
The selection process includes a written test and an oral test. Knowledge of the English language and of the most common computer equipment and applications will also be tested.
You have until January 12, 2025 to apply. Click here to know all the details.