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December 27 2023

The “City networks” call for tenders has been published as part of the Program CERV of the European Commission!
Financing is available up to 6 million euro which will be distributed among all selected projects. This call aims to organize projects that have the following objectives:

  • promote exchanges between citizens of different countries by promoting tolerance, inclusion and a sense of belonging to the European identity
  • involve citizens in debates and activities regarding the environment, solidarity and migration, making them discover that the values ​​of the European Union are the basis of a common future
  • encourage exchange between municipalities and the dissemination of good practices
  • support good local governments and highlight the role of local and regional authorities in the process of European integration.

To apply, you must collaborate with at least 3 other companies from at least 3 different countries and the activities must take place in at least 2 different countries. To participate in the tender, candidate companies must meet the following requirements:

  • be a public or private body
  • operate within a European Union country or between countries associated with the program CERV
  • the candidate and co-candidate organizations must be non-profit associations or local authorities

The deadline for submitting applications is April 18, 2024. For more information click here.