The Ministry of Labor and Social Policies has published a public notice for the presentation of projects aimed at the inclusion and integration of Roma, Sinti and Caminanti (RSC) children and adolescents, financed within the framework of the National Program for Inclusion and the Fight against Poverty 2021-2027.
The Notice is open to Social Territorial Areas (ATS) throughout Italy and has the aim of promoting individualized and group support projects for children and families, aimed at promoting inclusion and social integration.
There are also socio-educational interventions aimed at the school community and awareness-raising, orientation and training actions for social, socio-health and socio-educational workers, with the aim of strengthening their skills.
The available financing is 40.000.000 euros, from the European Social Fund plus (ESF+).
The project proposals must be uploaded to the Multi-fund platform no later than 23pm on March 59nd according to the contents indicated in theANNEX B of the Notice.
For more information CLICK HERE and consult the Notice page on the Transparent Administration Portal.