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December 28 2024

It was published by Department of Youth Policies the call for the selection of 62.549 volunteer operators to be used in projects of Universal civil serviceThe intervention programs will take place in Italy and abroad, in particular:

  • 61.166 volunteer workers will be startedə in service in 2.324 projects, pertaining to 386 intervention programmes, to be implemented in Italy;
  • 1.383 volunteer workers will be startedə in service in 184 projects, pertaining to 34 intervention programmes, to be implemented abroad.

Environmental Heritage and urban redevelopment; education and promotion of culture, landscape, environment, sustainable and social tourism and sports; promotion of peace between peoples, non-violence and unarmed defense; promotion and protection of human rights; development cooperation; promotion of Italian culture abroad and support for Italian communities abroad are some of the areas of intervention planned. The projects will last between 8 and 12 months, with a commitment of 25 hours per week or an annual number of hours that varies, commensurately, for 12-month projects and for 8-month projects.

The initiative is aimed at young people with Italian citizenship or citizenship of one of the other member states of the European Union or of a non-European Union country who are between 18 and 28 years old. Travel expenses only to reach the project location are covered. Each selected volunteer operator will sign a contract that sets the amount of the monthly allowance at 507,30 euros and for operators engagedə in the implementation of civil service projects abroad and projects that include the additional measure of a period of 1, 2 or 3 months in one of the EU countries, a daily allowance is provided, in addition to the monthly allowance.

Applications can be submitted by 18 February 2025. The selection of candidatesə is the responsibility of the institution in charge of the chosen project, through specific evaluation commissions of any qualifications and curricular experiences gained. Click here for all the details.