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February 9 2024

Smart & Start Italy is an initiative of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, created to promote thestarting new businesses and support strategies for technology transfer and commercial valorisation of results from both public and private research.

The measure is aimed at:

  • innovative startups, registered in the special section of the business register and in possession of the requirements set out in art. 25 of legislative decree no. 179/2012 (consisting of no more than 60 months on the date of submission of the application);
  • natural persons who intend to establish an innovative startup (the company must be established within 30 days of admission to the benefits);
  • foreign companies who undertake to establish at least one operational headquarters on Italian territory.

The benefits are intended for business plans that meet at least one of the following requirements:

  • significant technological and innovative content;
  • development of products, services or solutions in the field of digital economy, artificial intelligence, blockchain and internet of things;
  • economic valorisation of the results of the public and private research system.

Smart&Start Italia finances business plans, up to and including amounts between 100 thousand euros and 1,5 million euros. PNRR resources are also allocated to the measure, equal to 10 million of euros, reserved exclusively for female start-ups.

Applicant startups can benefit from the following benefits:

  1. subsidized financing, without interest;
  2. tutoring services;
  3. conversion of a portion of the subsidized loan obtained into a non-repayable contribution.

Applications can be submitted exclusively electronically, using the appropriate form online IT procedure. 

The criteria and methods for accessing, granting and providing benefits have been defined with the circular no. 439196 of 16 December 2019. For more information, see this page of the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy.