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Youth Start-up Competition, launched by European Commission, focuses on entrepreneurial initiatives of young people between 18 and 25 who have innovative and winning ideas in mind.

YSC 2024 offers boys and girls the opportunity to get involved with start-ups designed to address today's 'hot' issues such as sustainability, social inclusion and technological progress within the framework of the values ​​of the European Union.

Promoters must be 'visionaries', to draw inspiration from today and imagine tomorrow; be aged between 18 and 25 and reside in one of the EU or COSME countries.

To participate you must create a presentation video of no more than 3 minutes which illustrates the guidelines of your start-up idea and its potential relevance today; the reference business plan. The winners will participate in the Annual Assembly of the Cosme Program and the prestigious European Innovation Council (EIC), being able to present their idea to potential European investors.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 20 September 2024. Consult the English page here