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The EU Youth Strategy provides the framework for European-level collaboration on youth policies in the period 2019-2027, in line with the priorities of the Commission chaired by Ursula von der Leyen.
Collaboration at EU level will make the most of the potential offered by youth policies. It promotes the participation of young people in democratic life, supports their social and civic commitment and aims to ensure that all young people have the necessary resources to take part and play an active role in the society in which they live.
11 European youth goals
The EU youth strategy focuses on three fundamental areas of intervention, which can be summarized in the words: engage, connect, empower, promoting coordinated transversal implementation.
These three actions are further specified in 11 European youth goals.
These objectives identify cross-cutting issues that impact the lives of young people and represent challenges. In particular, the 11 European objectives are linked to:
connecting the EU and young people
gender equality
inclusive societies
information and constructive dialogue
mental health and well-being
support for young people in rural areas
quality work for everyone
quality learning
space and participation for everyone
Sustainable green Europe
youth organizations and European programmes.