Exclusion of responsibility for the translation from the Italian language
The translation from the Italian language on this site is automatically generated by gtranslate.io, an automatic translation tool.
Automatic translation allows you to get a general idea of the content of a page in a language you know. It is completely automated and does not require any human intervention. The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary greatly from one text to another and from one language pair to another. Associazione InformaGiovani does not guarantee its accuracy and does not accept any responsibility for any errors. Some contents (such as images, videos, files, etc.) cannot be translated due to technical limitations of the system.
The original content is therefore in Italian and Associazione InformaGiovani cannot be held responsible for the use made of the text in other languages.
If you are unsure about the interpretation or meaning of the content in other languages, please send an email to info@informa-giovani.net