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October 12, 2023

The competition starts “Science is everywhere, Let's talk about – A magazine for science”, an initiative aimed at upper secondary schools. The call was launched by the Joint Research Centre, which plays a key role in several phases of the EU policy cycle by providing independent, evidence-based scientific knowledge.

To participate, classes, under the supervision of a teacher, must:

  • register and follow one or more of the digital scientific seminars organized by the Joint Research Center in Italian, interacting and working as a team;
  • elaborate the topic covered during the seminar and produce an issue of a scientific dissemination magazine in PDF format or online.

The papers can be prepared in Italian or English or in both languages, leaving the students the greatest freedom and creativity in using the tools to realize the project idea.  The deadline for submitting works is April 15, 2024. Click here for further information (page in English).