Hello everyone !
I'm Lucie I'm 25 years old and i live in Normandy (France).
I finished my studies in International Management (and Marketing) 3 years ago but
I quickly realized that I was a graduated girl among many others and that the only thing to make the difference will be to develop “my personality”.
Also, I realized that Marketing might not be my sector and that I might be destined to do something else/to be someone else…that's why i began to look for a volunteering experience abroad…
First, I started looking for a volunteering in line with my expectations: to integrate an alternative structure that acts to change our future society…
Then I saw the offer from InformaGiovani about Waldorf school. I was really curious to know this kind of pedagogy and to see what is going on inside!
Finally I ended up discovering this world: no prioritization between masters and childrens (a bit sometimes, it's necessary!), the special talents and abilities of children are put forward, the rhythm of the child is taken into account for a better learning, they study basic subjects (mathematics, literature, languages, history, geography, geometry…AND others like botany, eurythmie or manual workshops (knitting, sewing, carpentry…) that will make children more open minded.
Also, I've never been in Sicily before this experience and I thought it was really interesting to know another kind of missions, a new culture and language…
I live in Palermo since 5 months now. The city is really nice, full of historic places, churches, artistic exhibitions, natural spaces (like Monte Pellegrino, Mondello…)...
I took Italian courses at the University who helped me to have basis to communicate, but I still have to do some efforts to speak a fluent Italian…
Indeed, I think this point is necessary because I work most of my time with a disabled girl…so I often have to create activities (games, painting, sculpture with wax, gardening projects…) and sometimes show authority.
The other part of my time, I help with cooking and I take care of other children (in the playground, during sports classes…).
In addition, with the other volunteers (Clara, Naima and Jona), we participated to specific events outside and at school: There was “Festa d'Autunno” in November where we did a giant picnic and hiked in the forest, and the “ Bazar di Natale” in December, a kind of Christmas market.
In my opinion, this kind of event are essential because they strengthen the links between volunteers, teachers, parents and children…
I started a small gardening project at school with children. The goal was to involve school children and raise awareness about nature and global warming.
So, I decided to invest a small space of concrete to try to plant some flowers, aromatics and vegetables. I also put a shelf to highlight the plants from school.
For now, it is a project which works day by day: We remove the dead leaves, we do some cuttings and as the school has a composter, we try to compost the organic waste to have a beautiful earth and plant again!
I saw some children who were immediately interested about the new garden. Maestro Gian Luca as well takes care of the school garden, so i think it's a good example for the children to see that and that's why i wanted to propose this project.