The Ministry of Education and Merit and the Victims of Duty Association have banned the competition for schools 'Victims of duty in the constitution: art 4 – work is a right and a duty'. The award is part of the Citizenship and Legality Education Project in memory of the Victims of Duty which the Association has been making known to schools of all levels for years. It is aimed at studentsə of first and second grade secondary schools throughout Italy.
Scholarships will be awarded for the purchase of school supplies for the young winners for an amount of 2500 euros. The candidatesə they will be able to participate in the competition with works of their choice, made individually or collectively, using the following means of expression:
- textual: themes, stories, poems, screenplays;
- graphics: drawings, comics, posters and billboards;
- multimedia: commercials, songs and short films.
The materials must be sent by 31 October 2023. To find out more click here and consult the announcement