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Organize a camp

A volunteer pushes a wheelbarrow with a smiling volunteer inside

Download the complete sheet on how to organize a volunteer camp

Already have an idea for a camp? Fill out the dedicated form to let us know!

There are four types of volunteer projects that InformaGiovani organizes, based on the age of the volunteers and on whether any funds from third parties (European Union, Municipalities, donations, etc.) are available:

  • Projects for underage volunteers only (minimum age 14 with insurance coverage) accompanied by one or two coordinators. In this case, a financial contribution is foreseen to support your board and lodging expenses; number of days and volunteers to be agreed together;
  • Projects for adult volunteers from all over the world, accompanied by a coordinator, without any economic contribution; number of days and volunteers to be agreed together;
  • Projects for adult and minor volunteers (ages 16 to 26) from all over the world, accompanied by a coordinator, without any economic contribution; number of days and volunteers to be agreed together;
  • Projects for adult volunteers (maximum age 30) coming from the EU, with an Italian coordinator, with a financial contribution to support your food and lodging expenses; number of volunteers 11/12 and fixed duration of 15 nights.

InformaGiovani ETS offers the international dissemination of projects for finding volunteers and insurance coverage.
The Association also takes care of the practical and bureaucratic aspects for the issue of entry visa in Italy for all volunteers from countries for which this formality is required.

THEAssociazione InformaGiovani makes a person available to the project with a coordination role, unless this person is explicitly made available by the host institution/association.

Currently the association has bilateral cooperation agreements with about 145 organizations from 55 countries on all continentsfor the involvement of volunteers.

Download the complete sheet on how to organize a volunteer camp

Already have an idea for a camp? Fill out the dedicated form to let us know!