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The partnership that implements the HeSo projectESC “Healthy social volunteering: ESC for active lifestyles, citizenship and social fairness”, is made up of 5 civil society organisations. The project involves the implementation of 12 activities which will involve 138 volunteers, 57 of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds.

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THEAssociazione InformaGiovani was founded in 2001 on the initiative of a group of volunteers who managed the desk InformaGiovani of the city of Palermo, the association of the same name is today the coordinating body of a European network for social volunteering which has 16 members in 14 countries of the European Union and partnerships with organizations from all continents.

The association has the following purposes:

  1. the protection and promotion of civil rights, with particular reference to the rights of minors and young people, as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  2. the promotion of young people's right to information and participation;
  3. the protection of social and collective interests, with particular reference to young people and students;
  4. the promotion of local and international volunteering as a tool for action and social inclusion.

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The association I Girasoli Onlus was founded in Mazzarino in 2004 to provide support to people who find themselves in situations of marginality and social difficulty. Disabled people, both physical and psychological, minors, elderly people and immigrants are the most vulnerable subjects towards whom the association pays attention by operating in the field of collective utility services and social solidarity.

The organization promotes respect for autonomy as a means to achieve full and inviolable human dignity. Since 2006 they have been involved in information, accompaniment, orientation and socio-work inclusion initiatives, shedding light on issues relating to refugees and asylum seekers, with particular reference to second reception.

They support the project, born in 2007, "Mazzarino city of hospitality" aimed at unaccompanied foreign minors from the same municipality as part of the SPRAR, the project provides for reception, protection and integration for each of the young people.

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group of guys working in the renovation group of kids at a guitar lesson group of kids participating in an activity together Group of kids together

INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities – is an NGO founded in 1991 whose main activities are focused on the area of ​​international volunteering and intercultural education. For the association it is important to live in a society where people respect each other and are responsible to the world around them. They believe that volunteering and cooperating locally and globally is the path to mutual understanding and non-violence. They create opportunities for active participation in society and for acquiring knowledge and experience. They help to develop personal, civic and professional life. The activities mainly consist of organizing volunteer camps, where they help people on a local scale. They also organize workshops and educational projects, where people can learn more about the work of the association, but also how they can contribute to a better future. Volunteering is necessary in today's world and the INEX association is committed to making it more widespread.

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La Rotllana is a non-profit association based in the city of Barcelona since 1990. The mission of the association is to contribute to the personal and social development of children, adolescents and young people through non-formal education.

They provide opportunities, support young people and are committed to community development. The main fields of action are: literacy, culture, international cooperation, sport and social and community action. With a particular commitment to gender equality and equity and respect for diversity.

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make-up artists and girls group of boys and girls in a circle talking boys and girls painting girl drawing Children running

Pistes Solidaires is an association that deals with non-formal education and promotes active methods. It was created in 2002.

It develops its work in 3 departments:
1/ European youth and learning mobility: develops mobility education and learning mobility through volunteering, youth exchanges and internships abroad. Each year, it creates and collects opportunities for more than 300 young people to have a learning experience.
2/ Social transition and innovations: focusing on research and innovation in the social and educational fields, it creates educational, social or socio-cultural resources to better respond to the needs that emerge in a society in transition.
3/ European Citizenship: Since 2013 she has been labeled as Europe Direct by the European Commission. The missions: to inform, advise and strengthen knowledge of Europe, its Member States, its impact on daily life.

The members of the association inscribe their action in the values ​​of sharing and mutualisation of popular education. They have in common the desire to create, animate the various wills and initiatives of those who aspire to an evolution and development synonymous with solidarity, humanism, mutual tolerance and respect for the natural environment.

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a little girl and a volunteer girls in front of a wall of post it notes three boys smiling