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Youth Wiki is a digital encyclopedia that collects and presents the legislation relating to youth policies adopted by the Member States of the European Union. Its main aim is to facilitate informed and evidence-based European cooperation in the youth sector. This is achieved by offering simple and constantly updated access to information on national policies for young people.

The information is organized in 10 chapters:

  • 8 dedicated to the main sectors identified in the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027 (voluntary activities, employment and entrepreneurship, social inclusion, participation, education and training, health and well-being, creativity and culture, young people and the world).
  • 2 reserved, respectively, for the strategic issues of the governance of youth policies and for socio-educational animation and youth work as a specific form of intervention and support in favor of young people.

The general objective of Youth Wiki is to support the European Commission and Member States in their decision-making process, also making data on reforms and initiatives publicly available.

The portal also facilitates the exchange of sectoral information between policy makers at European, national and regional level, allowing the European Commission to monitor the implementation of the "EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027".

The European platform can be consulted at THIS WEB ADDRESS.