The last 5th of December, in honour of the International Volunteer Day, we, Lidia and Leticia, ESC volunteers in InformaGiovani, had the pleasure to do a presentation about European Solidarity Corps and the opportunities which this offers to youngsters.
It took place in the Liceo Artistico Catalano in Palermo, several groups of adolescence attended the meetings. We had a puzzle game, a presentation about differences and similarities between volunteering and working… Students became very motivated, asking a lot of questions, they were interested in our experience, as well.
We informed young people about the volunteering opportunity of ESC which is a great chance for them to develop their skills in different areas in non-formal education.
Volunteering is an option to develop yourself as a person and to grow up in many ways.
If you are between 17- 30 years old and you would like to live an experience abroad, follow this link to join ESC and find further information about volunteering: