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November 10, 2023

Stimulate a sense of responsibility towards cultural and environmental heritage and encourage the birth of a landscape culture and awareness of the centrality of agriculture: these are the objectives of the National competition 'AGRI-CULTURE: LET'S LEARN FROM THE LAND TO CARE FOR THE LANDSCAPE'. Click here to consult the complete regulation

The initiative is promoted by FAI - Fund for the Italian Environment and is aimed at nursery, primary and secondary schools. Pupils from nursery schools will be able to participate by sections or groups, those from primary and lower secondary schools will compete by class; secondary school students will take part in teams of at least 2 and maximum 3 students.

The groups must develop a descriptive sheet of a rural landscape in their territory with the aim of creating an unprecedented 'Atlas of Italian rural landscapes'.

The project will be divided into an interdisciplinary educational activity aimed at the discovery and valorization of the territory, taking inspiration from the idea of ​​Agriculture understood not only as a practice, but as a broad field of knowledge that embraces different disciplines. Kindergarten, primary and lower secondary school classes must register by 18 March 2024; secondary school teams by 26 January 2024. For all the details click here.