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The Association

THEAssociazione InformaGiovani was founded in 2001 on the initiative of a group of volunteers who managed the desk InformaGiovani of the city of Palermo. From September 2024 it is a ETS – Third Sector Entity, registered in the appropriate National Single Register.
Today the Association is the coordinating body of a European network for social volunteering which has 16 members in 14 countries of the European Union and partnerships with organizations from all continents.


The association has the following purposes:

Civil rights

The protection and promotion of civil rights, with particular reference to the rights of minors and young people, as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Right to information

The promotion of the right to information and participation of young people.

Social and collective interests

The protection of social and collective interests, with particular reference to young people and students.

Promotion of local and international volunteering

The promotion of local and international volunteering as a tool for action and social inclusion.

What we do

THEAssociazione InformaGiovani carries out, directly or through its network of partners, various international activities aimed at young people and those who work with young people. The Association's activity is divided into three main areas:

International network

The European network IGNet

International Network

Order of Journalists

InformaGiovani is a third-party training body, accredited by the Order of Journalists.

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InformaGiovani is part of the Italian Eurodesk Network

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