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The Ministry of Education and Merit has launched the XII edition of Classical Languages ​​and Civilizations Championships.

The races are divided into three phases (Institute Competition, Regional Competition, National Competition) and in three sections (Latin language, Greek language and classical civilizations), participation is individual and aimed at students of the second two-year period and the last year of state and private secondary schools.

The objectives of the initiative are:

  • promote the strengthening of knowledge and skills in the linguistic-literary, historical, philosophical, anthropological, artistic-archaeological fields relating to the civilizations and cultures of the ancient world;
  • promote teaching and learning through new teaching methodologies and IT tools of the themes of the ancient world;
  • support collaboration between educational institutions, universities, research centres, disciplinary associations in the sector, engaged in research, support and study of classical languages ​​and civilisations.

To participate, each institute nominates through a special commission two students per section to be proposed for the tender by 31 January 2024. For more information click here.