Il Ministry of Defence has published the competition announcement Police 2023 for the admission to the 13th three-year course 2023-2026 of 816 Cadet Marshals of the Army Inspectors role.
The following can participate in the competition:
- soldiers of the Carabinieri belonging to the role of Superintendents and to that of Officers and Carabinieri, including those belonging to the Forestry Role, as well as Carabinieri Students;
- Italian citizen who, on the deadline for submitting applications, meet the requirements set out in the competition notice.
Those belonging to the role of superintendent and to the role of officer and carabinieri, the carabinieri students, as well as the complement officers of the force must:
- possess eligibility for unconditional military service;
- be in possession of a secondary school diploma or obtain it in the calendar year in which the competition is announced;
- be aged between 18 and 30;
- not having reported disciplinary sanctions more serious than surrender in the last two years;
- have obtained a qualification not lower than "average", or corresponding rating in the last two years.
For all other candidates, the following requirements apply:
- be an Italian citizen and enjoy civil and political rights;
- be in possession of a secondary school diploma or obtain it in the calendar year in which the competition is announced;
- be aged between 18 and 26 years of age, raised to 28 years for those who have actually already performed compulsory or voluntary military service;
- possess physical fitness and a height of no less than 1,65m for men and 1,61m for women;
- not have been dismissed, discharged or declared forfeited from employment in a public administration, dismissed from work employed by public administrations following
- disciplinary proceedings, or acquitted, by authority or ex officio, from previous enlistment in the armed forces or police, excluding acquittals due to psycho-physical unfitness;
- having engaged in incensable conduct, not having been convicted of non-culpable crimes, even with a sentence of application of the sentence upon request, with a conditionally suspended sentence or with
- criminal decree of conviction or not being charged in criminal proceedings for non-negligent crimes and not having been subjected to prevention measures;
- not having performed substitute civil service as a conscientious objector, unless expressly renouncing this status, in accordance with the provisions of the implemented "Military Order Code"
- with Legislative Decree 15 March 2010 nr. 66.
The exam tests will be divided as follows: preliminary test, written test of knowledge of the Italian language, physical efficiency tests, psycho-physical tests, aptitude tests, oral test, (optional) English language test.
You can submit your application by11 March. Consult the NOTICE here.