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Lo Sports It plays a fundamental role in all phases of an individual's life. The reasons are many and, although easy to understand, they are often "underestimated". First of all lead an active life and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is synonymous with immediate and long-term well-being. Also play a sport strengthens interpersonal relationships and it also becomes an important tool for equality and inclusion.
Also for this, Erasmus + supports the professional development of coaches and other sports personnel, offering those primarily involved in grassroots sports the opportunity to improve their skills and qualifications, and to acquire new skills through mobility for learning purposes. Spending some time abroador and meeting sports operators from other countries, staff thus have the opportunity to cooperate internationally in their sector, to exchange specific knowledge but also common European values, to create collaborative networks.
The participation of sports staff in Erasmus+ activities obviously also has a positive impact on organizations which can develop their own capabilities, become part of networks with other associations and bodies, and increase the social impact of their basic sports activities.
It should be clarified that "basic sport" refers to all recreational physical activities, practiced on a non-professional level for health, educational and social reasons.
By "Sports Staff" we mean all those who deal with the education, training and management of a sports team or individual athletes, whether for pay or as volunteers.
Projects should focus on those involved in grassroots sports; however also the staff of non-grassroots sports organizations can benefit from Erasmus+ for sports sector staff, provided that their participation is always useful to grassroots sport.
To do question will always be a public or private organization – never a single individual – which operates in the field of sport and physical activity and organizes sport and physical activity at grassroots level (for example, a non-profit organisation, a local public authority, a sports club). Or a non-grassroots sports organization, if the participation of its staff benefits grassroots sports (for example, an international organization).
The requesting organization (i.e. the one submitting the application) must have its headquarters in one EU Member State or in a third country associated with the Programme and will act as sending organisation: will then select the participants and send them to a host organization abroad. The questions are presented atNational agency of the country where the requesting organization is located.
The overall duration of the projects, which may include various activities, must be between 3 e 18 months; while the single ones organisers' activities which must be carried out abroad and never for profit, have a variable duration depending on whether they are:
- job coaching and observation periods, from 2 to 14 consecutive days
- training and training assignments, from 15 to 60 consecutive days.
Within of work support, participants can spend from 2 to 14 days at a host organization in another country with the aim of acquiring new practices and collecting ideas through observation and interaction with peers, coaches, volunteers or other staff members.
In the case of training and training assignments, participants can spend from 15 to 60 days by training or providing training at a host organisation in another country, so as to increase knowledge and skills through carrying out their tasks and exchanging information with their peers. This contributes to the Capacity building of grassroots sports organisations.
In each project it is also possible to insert preparatory visits, which serve to briefly bring together the people responsible for the sending and hosting organizations in order to finalize the details of each activity before it takes place.
All activities of physical mobility of staff can be combined with virtual activities.
The following can participate in international mobility activities:
- coaches and other sports personnel of sports organizations at grassroots level;
- personnel active in the non-grassroots sports sector, including staff pursuing dual careers and a non-sports career, if their participation can benefit grassroots sports;
- volunteers (other than coaches) in sports organizations.
For each project, the maximum number of participants (who must be resident in the country of the sending organisation) is 10. All of them must work or collaborate regularly with the sending organization for the implementation of the main activities of the sending organisation.
La EU grant supports four types of expenses:
- trip (calculated based on distance and means of transport used);
- management costs incurred by the sending and receiving organizations (a fixed amount for each participant, the division of which must be decided by the project partner associations);
- daily flat-rate contribution for each participant to cover the costs of food, accommodation and local transport, which changes according to the host country;
- exceptional costs (reimbursed on a lump sum basis) to encourage the participation of people with special needs.
For more information, it is useful to visit dedicated section on the Program website.
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This guide was created as part of the annual work plan of the European network IGNet, co-financed by the European Union. The content of this guide reflects the views only of the authors and neither the European Commission nor any of its agencies can be held responsible for its content or any use made of it. The content of this guide has no official value for the purposes of submitting applications and projects, for which only the official guides of the individual programmes and initiatives are valid.