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Eurodyssey is a youth mobility program entirely managed by the Assembly of European Regions.

Offers to young people (18-30 years) residents in the participating regions un paid internship abroad, between 3 and 7 months. Eurodyssey promotes social inclusion and the integration of young people into the labor market, while encouraging language learning and intercultural exchanges.

Organizations (companies, associations, public administrations) with registered office and legal registration in the participating Regions they can sign up for the program and present internship offers through the website, to which young people living in one of the participating Regions can apply.

Eurodyssey offers significant benefits in three key areas:

  1. for the young people: provides paid international internships, promoting social inclusion, skill development, language learning and cultural openness.
  2. for the Regions: the program supports regional youth mobility strategies, offering opportunities to improve skills and allowing the hosting of international young people.
  3. for companies: Eurodyssey enables companies to utilize and develop the skills of young European trainees, promoting international cooperation and offering mentoring programmes.

For more information on the offers and programs promoted by Eurodyssey, visit the site at this link

This guide was created as part of the annual work plan of the European network IGNet, co-financed by the European Union. The content of this guide reflects the views only of the authors and neither the European Commission nor any of its agencies can be held responsible for its content or any use made of it. The content of this guide has no official value for the purposes of submitting applications and projects, for which only the official guides of the individual programmes and initiatives are valid.