The Dutch partner of InformaGiovani,SIW Associationoffers “Facilicraft II” a training course starting from November, within the European Erasmus + program, open to volunteers and operators of organizations that deal with international volunteering.
The objectives of the training are:
- Understanding better what facilitation is and what skills are needed to be a facilitator
- Finding creative and engaging ways to facing personal challenges or the uncertainties related to facilitation.
- Develop your own facilitation style and a creative tool kit to be used in the context of International Volunteer Service.
- Testing and evaluating facilitation style and the toolkit in your personal and work context.
Following the training, participants will have developed tools that are well suited to their facilitation style and work.
In the second phase, participants will apply the newly acquired skills and tools in their own organizations and businesses.
The training will be developed in three different phases:
- First phase: Training course in the Netherlands, from November 25th (day
of arrival) to December 2nd (departure day). - Second phase: Experimentation of the tools designed during the training since December
2024 to March 2025. - Third stage: Online evaluation in April 2025
The costs of participating in the project are covered by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
For more information, see theinfo pack.
Apply bySeptember 11th filling out the form.
Selected participants are required to pay the mandatory membership fee of 30 euros which includes insurance coverage.