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Key Action 2 of Erasmus+ includes different types of projects, the characteristics of which vary according to the theme, the proposing organization and the duration.
However, they all have some objectives in common, in their respective areas of action.
In particular, all projects carried out within the Ka2 must contribute "significantly” to the achievement of objectives and Program priorities, in particular with regard to a positive and lasting impact on the promoting bodies, on the people and organizations involved and, finally, on the political and network systems in which the activities take place.
It is in fact expected, and required for the projects to be supported by the EU, that the activities carried out facilitate the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices within organizations at all geographical levels: local, regional, national or European.
What are the actions and who to ask for contributions
The following types of projects fall within Key Action 2:
Partnerships for cooperation, including cooperative partnerships and small-scale partnerships | Capacity building projects in the fields of higher education, vocational education and training, youth and sport |
Non-profit European sporting events * | Partnerships for Excellence, including Centers for Professional Excellence and Erasmus Mundus Action * |
Depending on the sector involved and the type of applicant, these actions are managed by the national agencies or from ourEACEA Executive Agency.
From organizational impact to educational impact and system impact
Unlike Key Action 1, whose focus is on the learning process and benefits for the individuals involved, in Action 2 the focus is on the expected results in terms of impact on the participating organisations, bodies and institutions.
However, this does not mean that the individual participants in the various activities receive a very positive and significant personal impact.
For participating organizations, the projects supported under Key Action 2 must contribute to achieving some of the following objectives calibrated with respect to the specific sector of competence:
- development of innovative approaches and methodologies to address the respective target groups, for example in terms of quality, inclusion, use of digital, for the impact on the local and regional communities involved;
- construction of more effective and dynamic organizational environments, for example through the exchange of good practices, the use of digital, synergy with other sectors and actors, the development of strategic capabilities, the creation of systems for rebalancing work and life time private for staff and volunteers;
- development and strengthening of international work, for example through strengthening networking capacities and tools, increasing European/international skills, developing capacity for implementation, monitoring and follow-up of community projects;
- increase in the capacity for social impact in one's own contexts, also through the recognition, for example, of the social value of sport or youth work or the role of non-formal education in the processes of building active citizenship.
As regards instead the people directly or indirectly involved in the projects, based on the different topics and different types of activities, some positive effects can be expected, including for example:
- increase in foreign language skills;
- greater understanding and responsiveness to all types of diversity, such as social, ethnic, linguistic, gender and cultural, as well as different abilities;
- more active participation in society;
- improvement of skills, linked to the different specific professional profiles involved (youth workers, teachers, sports staff, youth workers, etc.) and greater opportunities for professional development;
- increased sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
- increase in digital skills;
- greater knowledge of the value and interconnection between formal, non-formal education, vocational training, other forms of learning and the labor market;
- increase in the practice of sport and physical activity.
In medium-long term and in terms of overall reference systems (formal or non-formal education, adult education, youth sector, sport, etc.) the expected result is an overall strengthening in the achievement of Europe's strategic objectives: environmental sustainability, digital transformation, employment, economic stability and growth, but also the need to promote social, civic and intercultural skills, intercultural dialogue, democratic values and fundamental rights, social inclusion, mental health and well-being, non-discrimination and active citizenship, critical thinking and media literacy.
Visit the specific sections:
Partnerships for cooperation, including cooperative partnerships and small-scale partnerships | Capacity building projects in the fields of higher education, vocational education and training, youth and sport |
Non-profit European sporting events * | Partnerships for Excellence, including Centers for Professional Excellence and Erasmus Mundus Action * |
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This guide was created as part of the annual work plan of the European network IGNet, co-financed by the European Union. The content of this guide reflects the views only of the authors and neither the European Commission nor any of its agencies can be held responsible for its content or any use made of it. The content of this guide has no official value for the purposes of submitting applications and projects, for which only the official guides of the individual programmes and initiatives are valid.