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January 2 2025

The program Creative Europe, with the announcement Music Moves Europe, lancia LIVEMX, which will be able to count on approximately 1 million euros to develop projects in the music sector. The areas of intervention are:

  • music export – through co-creation and testing of new approaches and skills, providing training and know-how and/or developing new approaches and information.
  • Live music venues – aiming to improve the circulation of artists across Europe and develop environmentally friendly solutions for the sector.
  • Digital circulation and interaction – for example by adapting or testing existing digital solutions in the music sector and training professionals in their use.

The proposals, on the topics described, must be formulated by subjects such as public or private organizations with legal personality, established in one of the EU States; established for at least one year at the date of submission of the application and with proven work experience in the sector.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 6 January 2025 Click here to consult the announcement (English page)