The first edition of the Cde-DTC Lazio Award competition starts for the assignment of 9 prizes for the best degree theses (specialist/master's and single cycle) and 9 prizes for the best PHD theses discussed in the academic years 2022/2023 or 2023 /2024. The papers must address topics such as: virtual technologies for museums and art collections; protection and conservation of cultural heritage against climate change and natural and anthropogenic risks; cultural resources for sustainable tourism.
The prizes will be equally divided according to the three technological HUBs of the CdE-DTC Lazio: HUB 1: digital technologies and virtualization (3 Degree prizes + 3 PhD prizes); HUB 2: technologies for diagnostics, conservation and restoration (3 Degree awards + 3 PhD awards); HUB 3: technologies for design and resource management (3 Degree awards + 3 PhD awards). The best 9 degree theses will be awarded a prize of 2.000 euros each. The best 9 doctoral theses will be awarded a prize of 3.000 euros each
The application for participation must contain:
- short abstract 500 words;
- presentation video with a maximum duration of 1'30'';
- complete text of the thesis in pdf format;
- copy of the certificate on plain paper or self-certification;
- short Curriculum Vitae indicating the degree grade.
Applications can be sent until 15 June 2024 and then from 4 November to 15 December 2024. To find out all the details click here and visit the web page.